Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a great way to not only restore your smile, but also make everyday activities, such as talking and eating, much easier. Read below to learn more and see if a dental bridge is the right tooth replacement solution for you.

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Revitalize Your Smile With a Dental Bridge

Missing teeth can take away from your smile and your ability to properly chew your food. The kind and gentle team at Carolina Oaks Dental Care provides dental bridge work to complete your smile and restore your bite. Our staff is experienced and skilled in crafting the perfect bridge for your teeth. We focus on creating dental bridges that look and feel natural so you can get on with your busy schedule.

How Do I know I Need a Dental Bridge?

If you have a missing tooth or teeth, dental bridges are one option for restoring your smile and dental health.

Having a missing tooth is a serious issue. Besides putting a dent in your smile, missing teeth cause a variety of other health issues. Some of those issues include:

  • Localized Jaw Bone Deterioration.
  • Gums Begin to Pull Back from Adjacent Teeth.
  • Teeth Collapse or Tilt into Empty Spaces
  • Early Aging and Facial Sagging Issues
  • Improper or Unbalanced Bite
  • Facial Pain
  • Jaw Pain
  • Dental Hygiene Difficulties
  • Increased Risk of Tooth Decay
  • Opposing Teeth Sliding Down or Up into Empty Space.

What is a Dental Bridge?

Dental Bridges are a part of restorative dentistry for missing teeth. They look and feel very natural, and can last for a long time. When teeth are missing a gap is created where the tooth used to be. A dental bridge replaces the tooth with a restoration that is anchored to neighboring teeth or a dental implant.

Dental Bridges for Smile and Dental Health.

How is a Dental Bridge Procedure Done?

Dental bridges are very common procedures that can be done in our office. Carolina Oaks Dental Care provides gentle and easy dental bridge treatments for our patients.

The entire procedure is usually completed over two visits to our office. Here’s what to expect on your first visit:


A mold is taken of your bite and the teeth that are next to the missing tooth.

Your dentist will then prepare the anchoring teeth that will be used to support the bridge, and an impression is made of the teeth and surrounding gums.

To protect your teeth and keep them from shifting further, a temporary bridge crown is fitted to your teeth. This restoration is used during the time the crowns and bridge are being custom crafted for your teeth.

Around two weeks later, your bridge and crowns will be ready. We’ll work with you to schedule a convenient appointment.

At your second visit, here’s what you can expect:


Our staff will remove the temporary crowns and your teeth will be cleaned of any debris.

Your tooth will be cleaned and any remaining debris removed.

Your dentist will carefully match the dental bridge and crowns to the teeth, making sure the fit is precise and accurate. Any adjustments that are needed will be made quickly and carefully.

After you and the doctor are satisfied with the fit and feel of the bridge, it will be fixed in place with dental cement.